The Future of Legal Work: Thriving with AI-Powered Transcription & Evidence Review Tools.

In the world of law, efficiency is paramount. Legal professionals face a constant challenge: managing a heavy workload while maintaining accuracy and speed. The number of audio and video files in litigation are growing and without proper solutions in place, they can strain a law firm’s resources and time in making sure the evidence is properly and efficiently reviewed, utilized and shared.

This is where software tools like automated transcription technology and AI can make a significant difference. By incorporating these tools into your firm, you can streamline processes and speed up your workflow, all without sacrificing quality. As discussed below, with the benefit of software, analyzing hours or more of video and audio evidence such as depositions, 911 calls, body cam recordings or other media evidence, can be done in a fraction of the time with software. 

Why Automated Transcription Matters

With the growing proliferation of smartphones, social media, and Zoom depositions and hearings, cases are seeing a rise in the amount of audio and video evidence that is being generated. This has created a new problem for litigators and their teams:  how to efficiently analyze and manage audio and video evidence. It is not uncommon for teams to spend hours or even days manually reviewing audio and video files to find relevant evidence or to manually create clips of the most important segments.

Automated transcription and review services are making this process easier by using cutting-edge AI technology to convert spoken language into text quickly and with remarkable precision. By quickly transcribing these files, they become instantly searchable and very easy to analyze and share. What used to take hours or days can be completed in a matter of minutes.

This shift towards automation also helps minimize human errors in the evidence review process, where keywords or moments can be missed when a human is spending hours staring at a screen or listening to audio files. Not to mention it is a waste of time and resources to manually sift through these files when software can enable a more efficient and in many cases, effective review. 

Improving How We Capture and Analyze Evidence  with Technology

The use of AI-driven transcription in legal settings improves the quality and accessibility of documents. Instant access to searchable, accurate transcripts of audio and video evidence helps legal professionals review and prepare for cases more efficiently. By making it easy to insert this audio and video evidence into briefs and other legal work product, attorneys and their teams are able to persuasively build their cases. There is simply no substitute for watching or hearing a witness or other video evidence versus simply reading text on a page. You can hear the witness’ voice, tone, and inflection. You can assess the witness’ emotions and weigh their overall credibility. This is vital for building stronger arguments and better client outcomes.

Reducing Costs While Increasing Access to Justice

One of the standout benefits of automated transcription is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional court reporting and transcription methods can be expensive, especially when quick turnaround times are required. Automated tools streamline this process significantly, reducing costs and allowing firms to extend their services to a wider array of clients without sacrificing quality. In many cases, the rising cost of court reporting solutions forces attorneys and their clients to face an unacceptable choice – forgo taking depositions or capturing other testimony evidence because the client or law firm cannot afford the expense. This makes it much more difficult, if not impossible, for the litigant to obtain justice. The rise of software solutions now available can provide a meaningful, non-stenographic alternative to old-fashioned court reporting. Attorneys and their clients can leverage technology-focused solutions to significantly reduce the cost of taking testimony, all while greatly increasing the speed and quality of the record.

Real-World Benefits: A Look at the Data

The impact of automated transcription tools in the legal field is profound, backed by numerous studies and practical applications. For instance, a report by Verbit highlights that law firms using AI-powered transcription services have seen a marked improvement in case preparation speed and a reduction in delays​ (Verbit)​. This translates to more streamlined internal processes and better client services, ultimately enhancing client satisfaction and case outcomes.

Further, according to a study published in the 2023 Legal Trends Report by Clio, law firms that integrate automated transcription technologies report not only faster documentation processes but also a significant decrease in costs associated with manual transcription services. This cost efficiency allows firms to allocate resources more effectively, leading to improved service delivery and expanded client reach​ (Clio)​.

Verbit’s case studies also provide concrete examples of how transcription tools have transformed legal workflows. One notable instance involved a large law firm that reduced its document turnaround time by 50% after adopting AI transcription services. This capability enabled the firm to handle a higher volume of cases more efficiently, leading to better resource management and increased profitability​ (Verbit)​.

At the firm of Skribe’s founder, the savings were a huge improvement. Over $150k was saved in 2023 alone, dramatically reducing the financial burden of taking testimony. But it wasn’t just dollars and cents that saw improvement. The firm also slashed the agonizing wait for critical results, with staff time being reclaimed by over 1,000 days – that’s equivalent to over 3 years’ worth of waiting from traditional vendors!

These examples illustrate the tangible benefits that automated transcription tools bring to the legal industry, enhancing the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of legal documentation processes. Plus, with these tools come significant cost savings that can be passed on to clients, thereby improving access to justice.

Best Practices for Effective Integration

To get the most out of automated transcription technologies, here are some tips for integration at your law firm:

  • Choose Wisely: Select a legal transcription tool that aligns with your firm’s specific needs. Consider factors such as user-friendliness, integration with existing systems, and customer support. Purpose-built tools for the legal industry, are a great place to start.
  • Invest in Training: Proper training is crucial. Ensure that all users are comfortable and proficient with the new tools to maximize their benefits. Some companies offer complimentary training and pilot programs to help you and your team deploy new AI-transcription tools in a responsible and effective manner.
  • Focus on Security: Always prioritize security, especially when dealing with confidential information. Opt for tools that offer strong security measures to protect client data.


As legal practices evolve, technology plays an increasingly crucial role. Automated transcription tools are leading this change, offering law firms the ability to transform their workflows and improve efficiencies. By adopting these innovations, legal professionals not only keep pace with industry advancements but also enhance their ability to serve their clients effectively. As the volume of audio and video files in litigation continues to rise, getting a software solution in place to manage your growing library of media can help your law firm do a better and more efficient job in representing your clients.

If you want to learn more about how automation tools are transforming traditional documentation practices in the legal field, listen to the Legal Rebels podcast episode with our founder Karl Seelbach. 

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